About the IRISS Radis-l List Serve

Radis-l is a benefit of membership in IRISS, the IDXrad Radiology Information System Society.  IRISS is a 'child' organization of SCAR, the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology.  We are not affiliated with IDX Corp, however IDX does support our organization.

The radis-l listserv provides IDXrad system and application managers with a convenient way to share information and can be at times an invaluable resource.  Regardless of your background or experience, the ability to ask a question, whether simple or complex, and receive feedback almost immediately is the primary benefit of radis-l. 

Another not so obvious benefit of membership on the list is that IDX listens to what we have to say about their product.  The RISD group of IDX, has representation on the list.  They have been known to respond directly to the manager that posts a question, or to a member of the IRISS Executive Committee, so that we can facilitate an answer.  The RISD Group will not, as a general rule, post messages on the list.

If you have a question about setup, functionality, hardware setup, etc., you can be certain that there is someone else that has already 'gone through' what your experiencing, and they're willing to help you.

There are some guidelines for the use of 'radis-l', that the membership of IRISS has agreed upon.  They are not hard to follow or remember, however, I am posting this short explanation and will repost it at least two times per year, as a reminder.

Radis-l Guidelines

Thank you for taking the time to read the guidelines.  If you have questions, I can be reached by email or phone.

Eric Messmann, IRISS Past Chair
IRISS Executive Committee

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