Radis-l List Serve Guidelines
  1. Subscription to the 'radis-l' listserv is limited to paid membership in IRISS and you must be an IDX customer.  The first year's membership is free, so after the first year, you'll no doubt realize the invaluable resource, and pay your dues. 
  2. Because the listserv is 'for members only', it has to be maintained by 'list owners'.  Each addition must be made manually, so each paid IDXrad site, will be allowed three 'subscriptions' to the listserv.  (Exceptions to this rule can be made, dependant on the size of your site, etc.)  Please use the attached 'Membership Update Form' to make any deletions or additions to the listserv.
  3. Please, no FLAMES allowed.  Try to avoid expounding on personality differences, also.  Messages on the list go to everyone on the list.
  4. Please do not discuss your opinion of your customer representative, good or bad, on the list.  We have a vehicle for stating our satisfaction or dissatisfaction with support through contact with Scott Pudlo, , or on vanweb.  We want to avoid creating any heroes or villains on the list.
  5. Each IDXrad site is different.  When it comes to pricing of the IDX product, we do not discuss particulars.  Your price may vary slightly from mine, but there are many factors that influence price, and we DO NOT pretend to know them and we DON'T discuss pricing on radis-l.  This refers to contract terms as well.
  6. PLEASE, DO NOT use auto-responders on your email application when you are on any listserv.  Auto-responders can exponentially produce duplicate emails for every message that is posted and send them to everyone that is on the list.  If you forget and use an auto-responder, we will unsubscribe you.  You will have to email the IRISS office and request reinstatement.
  7. If you leave your present job or change your e-mail address, you must notify the IRISS office of the change.  .  This will insure accurately updated records in the IRISS office and the change requests will be forwarded to the list owners. 
  8. When posting questions about the application, PLEASE mention the version that you are using, (e.g.: v9.X or v 10.0).  This will minimize confusion, since the products are different.
  9. Related job offerings may be posted on the ‘list’.  (As per the IRISS Exec Comm, 06/07/01)
  10. Finally, remember, this is a private list.  We maintain it and use it for our advantage.  Please DO NOT cross-post on other lists, messages contained within.  

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