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Return to SCAR 2003 Annual Meeting Onsite Home Page

Friday, June 6th

Registration 5-8pm BackBay A

Pre-Conference Meetings

PACS Administration Course

Hynes Room 112
APUG Hynes Room 102
IRISS Sheraton Fairfax Room
FUSUN Hynes Room 100

 Saturday Preview
Opening Session

8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Grand Ballroom - Sheraton

Keynote: Raymond Kurzweil
Raymond Kurzweil, a pioneer in computerized speech recognition and author of best-selling books on the future of technology and society, will discuss “The Impact of 21st-Century Technology on Human Health and Society.” He will expand on a topic he introduced in his foreword to the most recent SCAR Primer, Electronic Reporting in the Digital Medical Enterprise (2002). Kurzweil projected the reader 10 years into the future to look at medical practice in 2012, envisioning an array of medical innovations, many of which would be based on imaging technologies.

Registration Starts at 6:30 am in BackBay A
Note - Attendees do not need to register before the opening session!