Preliminary Course Outline & Objectives
SCAR PACS Professional Competency Needs Assessment Survey
Announcing the first SCAR PACS Administration Course - a special one-day session at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA on Friday, June 6, 2003, one day prior to the SCAR 2003 Annual Meeting.
Targeted at the increasing number of recent and soon to be PACS Administrators, this one-day course will:
Introduce the core competencies of PACS Administration
Present an overview of each of three role areas: business, technical and organizational
Provide a roadmap to the rest of the SCAR conference.
SCAR PACS Administration Course
Friday June 6, 2003
Hynes Convention Center
Room 112
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Cost: $100 USD (meals and registration materials included)
6 Hours of Category 1 CME credit/Category A CE credit
Reserve your space when you register for SCAR 2003. The SCAR 2003 Preliminary Program/Registration Brochure will be mailed in early March.
PACS Administration Course - Registration Closed
The PACS Administration Course in Boston is filled as of 4/29/03. Thank you for your overwhelming response. Please submit your contact information to be included on the SCAR mailing list and be notified of future PACS Administration Courses.