Annual User Meeting

 June 5 – 6, 2003
Fairfax Room
Sheraton Boston Hotel
Boston, MA

Draft Minutes

Kelly Hunter, Chairman, called the 2003 IRISS business meeting to order at 2:45 pm on Thursday, June 5, 2003.

 Sharon O’Connor submitted the minutes. The minutes of the April 30-May 1 IRISS meeting were approved following corrections of three typographical errors.

 Kelly Hunter presented the Report of the Chairman. Mr. Hunter recognized the efforts of IRISS staff in preparation for the meeting. Mr. Hunter recognized those present from the 16 new IRISS institutions.

 The Executive Committee has continued their quarterly conference calls with IDX outside of planning for the annual meeting. Results from their efforts include the additional Q&A time on Day 2. IRISS meets annually at SCAR and regionally at RSNA In 2003, they also met for the first time in San Diego at the HIMSS 2003 meeting.

 David Buchinsky presented the treasurer’s report showing a net revenue of $8300 as of December 31, 2002. (Attachment I) Summary of the gains: $16,000 Membership Dues; $1,000 Meeting Registrations; $3,000 Contribution from IDX. Expenses include meeting costs and administrative fee paid to IRISS staff to maintain database and coordinate the group and meetings. It is predicted that the operating costs for 2003 will be higher due to the expense of meeting in Boston.

 Kelly Hunter led discussion on several bylaw changes:

 Length of Term of Executive Committee Officers:

Currently the IRISS Executive Committee serves a 1year term. It was suggested that the term be extended to 2 years, either on a calendar year or with a July 1 start date. Following discussion the group unanimously approved a  2 year term with a July 1 start date to allow Executive Committee members more time to benefit from the experience of their positions.

Bylaw Revision:

2. Term of Office

  1. Elections of new officers will be conducted at the annual meeting, coinciding with the SCAR annual meeting and will serve two year terms beginning July 1.

 The IRISS membership approved that the current Executive Committee members begin their 2 year term starting July 1, 2003.

 Following the suggestion of the executive committee, Pat Berger and Susan Johnson were appointed v10 liaisons to assist the Executive Committee on v10 issues.

 SCAR Liaison:

Following discussion the position of SCAR liaison was removed from the bylaws since IRISS functions pretty much independent of SCAR.

 Kelly Hunter shared with the group some of the frustration of the Executive Committee in soliciting support from IDX for the user group. Currently IDX contributes <25% of the meeting costs but hosts 50% of the program. It would also be helpful if IDX supported the first year of membership dues for new IRISS institutions. The group stressed the importance of maintaining their independence and not handing control of IRISS over to IDX in favor of sponsorship dollars. The Executive Committee was charged to discuss these issues with IDX and report back on their progress.

 Kelly Hunter presented a plaque to Eric Messmann as past chair of IRISS in appreciation for his leadership of the IRISS user group during 2001-2002.

 Having no further business to discuss, the IRISS annual business meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm.


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