Benefits of SCAR-affiliated User Groups
1. NETWORKING - Network with your fellow PACS managers and administrative/key personnel. This is one of the most crucial elements in today's environment. It allows you to get a micro view of how other radiology departments operate without having to arrange a trip. Lots of problem resolution opportunities.
2. LISTSERVER - Ability to sign up for the e-mail list server for users and vendor staff/management. You can share ideas on a real-time basis and have another opportunity for the vendor to hear directly from users about their needs.
3. SCAR NEWSLETTER - Receive the SCAR newsletter, to receive timely articles about PACS or other hot topics in the radiology world. Column provided in quarterly newsletter will be available for user group news, surveys, and updates. There will be a forum for you to share what's new and exciting at your institution as well.
4. ENHANCEMENTS REQUESTS – The vendor attends most all of the user group meetings. This is an excellent opportunity to submit your enhancement request to your representative, or to join forces with other sites that may share your same needs. Good things can happen in numbers.
5. SOCIETY FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN RADIOLOGY (SCAR) - Voice in SCAR through your affiliation with the user group. SCAR, the parent organization has long term relationship with vendors who are also corporate members of SCAR. Institutions that are SCAR institutional members receive over a 50% discount on user group fees.
6. ADVOCACY - Can participate in 3rd party vendor sessions where you may need assistance from a group in mediating issues.
7. USER'S LIST - Receive a free copy of the User Group Membership Directory. You will have access to institution name and address, contact names, etc.
8. EARN CEU's - Attend the annual educational users meeting held in conjunction with the SCAR annual meeting. CEUs are available through the ASRT. Take advantage of the SCAR annual meeting educational offerings back-to-back with the user group meeting.
9. INDEPENDENT, self-governed user group with an Executive Committee elected by the membership.
10. ADMINISTRATIVE functions and communications (i.e., dues billing, meeting & financial management, sponsorships, member database, publications) handled by SCAR office staff.