APUG Purpose Statement

The purpose of the user group is to:

  • Promote open communication between AGFA and user group members
  • Improve the quality and efficiency of IMPAX
  • Identify improvements, additions, etc. to the "product"
  • Agree upon prioritization, specification, and delivery dates of "product" enhancements and upgrades.

Membership Information

User Group membership is by institution and is limited to actual or soon to be users of AGFA PACS components. Institutions designate one primary contact and up to four alternate contacts to represent their institution, attend meetings and participate in task groups. Representatives from all areas of the organization are encouraged to participate in the User Group - radiologists, IS staff, administrators, and clinical staff.

The User Group can be a significant resource in trying to meet the challenge of PACS implementation at your institution. Benefits of User Group membership include educational user group meetings, networking, advocacy, access to other AGFA PACS institutions, web site and list server support, and the ability to join forces to prioritize enhancement requests for the improvement of AGFA PACS.

There is an Executive Committee responsible for:

  • overseeing the working groups,
  • managing the vendor relationship,
  • dealing with problems in the current PACS version and releases,
  • helping to develop, prioritize, communicate, collaborate and develop future version revisions
  • conducting the educational forums for the users twice a year - during the RSNA in late November and prior to the SCAR annual meeting in May/June.

The User Group is intended to be self-supported by its institutional members, with administrative services provided by SCAR and technical/ financial support from AGFA. APUG gratefully acknowledges Agfa Healthcare Corporation for support of first year membership dues for 2003 for all IMPAX institutions. After 2003, the annual User Group membership fee is $100 for SCAR institutional members and $200 for non-institutional members of SCAR. User Group institutions are encouraged to participate as SCAR institutional members (see www.scarnet.org for summary of SCAR Institutional Membership Benefits).

The Primary Representative will hold all voting rights. When the Primary Representative is not in attendance, an Alternate may cast the vote. Limit of 5 representatives per institution.

APUG Bylaws - May 2001

Click here for APUG membership application.