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Dates to Remember

Hotel Reservation Deadline April 28
Early Registration Deadline

May 2

Cancellation/Refund Deadline May 16
Pre-Registration Deadline May 23
On-Site Registration Open June 6
Meeting Dates June

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New! PACS Administrator Course

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Announcing the first SCAR PACS Administration Course - a special one-day session at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA on Friday, June 6, 2003, one day prior to the SCAR 2003 Annual Meeting.

Targeted at the increasing number of recent and soon to be PACS Administrators, this one-day course will:

  • Introduce the core competencies of PACS Administration

  • Present an overview of each of three role areas: business, technical and behavioral

  • Provide a roadmap to the rest of the SCAR conference

Companies interested in getting involved with this innovative program,
click here for Sponsorship Information