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SCAR 2003 Exhibitor Email #

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March 17, 2003

Dear SCAR 2003 Exhibitor,

Exhibitor Service Kits were mailed last week from Champion Exposition Services. If you have not received your copy, please contact the SCAR office. New this year in the exhibitor service manual is a SCAR 2003 Target Move-in Floor Plan.

In addition, a booth assignment letter, a preliminary program, and updated sponsorship information was mailed to you last week from the SCAR office. Those of you who have requested multiple copies of the SCAR 2003 preliminary program should be receiving the programs in the next 2 weeks.

Reminder - the deadline date to send in your Group Exhibitor Housing Room Block Request Form to reserve 10+ rooms at the Sheraton Boston Hotel is Friday, March 28, 2003.

SCAR Technical Exhibits Service Team